What Helps Move My Energy by Ella Dorsey
When the energy in my body feels too much, either positively or negatively, I find comfort in a variety of techniques that assist me in controlling and directing that energy.
5 Steps to Work Through the Feelings Stew by Helen Liu
When a prominent feeling takes over, I can feel it in my chest, coating my rib cage and descending onto my beating heart like a thick stew. It’s difficult to let it disperse on its own, much less make it disperse myself.
Navigating Anxiety- The Physical Changes and Tools to Help You Break the Cycle! by Ari Wilson
It took me a long time to realize that people experience their emotions in different ways. For me emotions are big. But for some, they are calm. For others, they are in between.
Being Sensitive To Others Energy by Raelin Bell
When it comes to being sensitive to others energy, it’s easy to feel ourselves acting in ways and responding in ways that we typically would not.
Mind-Body Connection by Kaylea Dillon
What do you think of when you think of the mind-body connection? When we talked during the Squad session last month, I spent some time thinking about this question myself.
MANTRA by Alanis De La Cruz
Graduate school as a first-generation Latina is not an easy task. You juggle various things and amid the work/school tasks, you also must work with the emotions that come up.
The Stigma of Self-Talk by Reben Drummer
Have you ever caught yourself engaged in a silent conversation with yourself and felt a twinge of embarrassment. Don’t worry; you’re not alone.
The Daily Challenges of Negative Self-Talk by Ella Dorsey
In the muted backdrop of my daily life, I, Ella, carried a secret burden that felt like a relentless weight.
Our Inner Colonies of ANTs by Helen Liu
Recently, I learned about “automatic negative thoughts” (ANTs). You might recognize these thoughts: they are the sort that just pop into your mind and douse it in a bucket of negativity.
Challenging the Negative Notion of Self-Talk by Marin Funderburg
When the words self-talk come to mind, what do you think about? Do you see yourself repeating affirmations in the mirror in the morning? Or do you see yourself walking down the street, muttering as you keep your composure?
3 Quotes I Live by Rina
Throughout my mental health journey, I’ve seen a lot of inspirational messages in aesthetics images scattered throughout classrooms and google image search results.
What is the Difference Between Intentions and Goals? by Ari Wilson
As someone who struggles with depression, I often feel like some days are pointless, or without purpose.
“I Am” Versus “I Feel”: a Battle for Regulation by Amanda Stoddard
Have you ever dropped something on the ground, spilled something, got caught on a door handle, and immediately shouted out (internally to yourself, or out loud)
Hearing Your Own Voice by John Stuart
What happens when someone tells us something over and over? Sometimes these words get down into our soul and we believe what they tell us.
Succeeding in the New Year by Kaylea Dillon
It is a common idea that a new year means new goals. This is going to be the year that we change ourselves. This is going to be the year that we shape ourselves into a better being.
How to Take a Test (AKA Calming Your Flight-Flight-Freeze-Fawn Response) by Kaylea Dillon
We all know that feeling of being startled. Maybe your friend jumped out of a closet to scare you. Maybe you just ran away from a barking dog.
HALT by Ella Dorsey
Have you ever experienced responding to someone in a snappy way without meaning to?
Taylor-ed to “U” by Helen Liu
There it is, U. Well, not quite your “U”, since this is a generalized diagram, but hopefully it will serve as the base for visualization of your “U”.
5 Steps to Effectively Validate Emotions by Grace Dannemiller
Validating emotions can be a great tool in connecting with others and showing up in a way that makes ourselves and others feel good, but it can be tricky to do! Here are some steps that may help.
Does Resilience Grow? by Ari Wilson
Have you ever wondered if the hard things that you experience in life are helpful? Or if they just happen, and beat you down?