The Power of Words: Understanding Words of Affirmation by Rina
Words have an incredible impact on our lives. Even just a few words can make or break a relationship. In the realm of love and relationships, there exists a unique love language known as words of affirmation.
Checking In When Needed by Raelin Bell
I find that the best way to check in not only with myself but with others as well is by simply showing forms of compassion.
“U” are in Control by Jessica Reinsmoen
Can you think of a time where you blew up at something or someone for no reason? Try to remember how you were feeling then. Were you truly upset at that situation or something else?
Navigating Self-Improvement and Authenticity by Reben Drummer
In a recent Hey, I’m Here Squad meeting, we dove into the concept that healing isn’t always straightforward- it can sometimes present a double-edged sword.
Finding Balance: The Importance of Showing Care to Others and Ourselves by Anika Saladi
In our fast-paced, interconnected world, showing care to others is a crucial, often forgotten aspect. Whether it's lending a helping hand to a friend in need or practicing acts of kindness towards strangers, extending care can create a positive impact on individuals and society as a whole.
Developing Healthy Coping Methods by Marin Funderburg
In your most stressful moments, what do you do? Do you isolate yourself from others? Lash out? Or do you take a step back and take deep breaths?
Finding Fuel Within Ourselves by Raelin Bell
What gives me energy? Each morning, I wake up still slightly tired from the night before. Full-time mom, full-time college student, and part-time employee, it can be exhausting, overwhelming, and even stressful managing it all sometimes.
The Importance of Having Your Own “Toolbox” When Feeling Triggered by Alanis T. De La Cruz Pérez
We've all experienced moments in our lives when something or someone triggered a strong emotional reaction. It could have been a teacher reprimanding us or a daunting school to-do list. These triggers, sometimes called stressors, are actions or situations that can lead to a negative emotional response. In the context of mental health, triggers often refer to something that has triggered or worsened symptoms
Let The Dumplings Cool by Helen Liu
A bowl of steaming hot dumplings is delicious, but must be savored carefully. I was reminded of that today during lunch: I arrived at my spot to find an appetizing bowl of large dumplings (in Mandarin, they’re called 饺子) waiting for me. I knew they were hot; I could see the steam rising from the bowl.
How Stress is Stored: Giving Yourself Grace when Triggered by Amanda Stoddard
Do you ever feel like there’s a shark in the water? But at all times? That anxiety or stress that creeps up at inopportune times? Maybe you drop your plate on the ground and it sends a shockwave down your entire body.
4 Steps for Talking to a Teenager by Ella Dorsey
Have you ever tried to talk to a teenager about how they feel, but it just ends up turning into an argument? This is a common scenario and one that can change!
Energizing Rest by Kaylea Dillon
Have you ever picked up your phone and started scrolling so you could ‘rest’ in between tasks? I frequently do this and one thing I can confidently say is that it is not the rest that I need.
Building Perspective by Marin Funderburg
I am no stranger to saying I can give myself a break, then spending hours on other tasks. With college admissions, advanced placement classes, numerous clubs, and a job, I hardly even get a chance to breathe. When I get stressed and overwhelmed, my first thought is that I hardly ever need to take a break.
What If Anxiety Was An Alarm System? by John Stuart
What if Anxiety was just an alarm trying to tell you that something isn’t safe? Anxiety might not be a sickness but something that is there to help you, and you have to figure out how to listen to it.
Building Up Energy by Ari Wilson
As I heard the term “Everything Is Energy” I looked around at my incredibly messy desk. It was crowded; full of homework, some laundry I’d still been meaning to put away, pens, and even my lunchbox that I’d forgotten to unpack from school that day.
Therapy 101: Getting Started by Kendra Dillon
I have been there, both going for the first time and finding a new therapist after taking a several year break from going. Starting therapy,
regardless of your history with it, can be incredibly daunting. Despite this, therapy is a great option for many individuals as it teaches individuals strategies for coping with mental health as well as better understanding of it.
A New Start by Rina
I've started being able to say things like "This is future me's problem" and "I'm gonna be so broke in college," which doesn't seem like a big deal to most, but it is to me because I used to be incapable of imagining myself having a future.
Giving Yourself More Credit by Jessica Reinsmoen
Have you ever felt like you do nothing? That you’re not as productive as you think you should be?
Society teaches us that we should give credit to ourselves with the “big” events in our lives – weddings, graduations, kids, etc. but what about the “little” tasks we do? Why shouldn’t we give ourselves credit for those as well?
Coping with the Bad Days by Kaylea Dillon
It’s been a long day, nothing seems to be going right. First, you snoozed your alarm just a little bit too long and were late to get out the door. Then, you had a disagreement with a friend. You forgot you had a presentation to give and were anxious through the whole thing. You get back home late and overwhelmed from the day. We have all had these days. They are the worst.
Taming the Lion: Calming our Nervous System in Times of Panic by Amanda Stoddard
Tips for calming our nervous system in times of panic.