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Let’s Tune In by Reben Drummer

I want to dive into the art of tuning in and communicating with our minds and bodies. You know that internal dialogue that helps us figure out what we’re feeling and what our bodies need.

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The Energy of Others by Alanis De La Cruz Pérez

I want to paint a picture here. Imagine you are going out with a friend you haven’t seen in a while. You get excited because you will share memories and stories, but most of all you want to spend time with your friend.

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What Helps Move My Energy by Ella Dorsey

When the energy in my body feels too much, either positively or negatively, I find comfort in a variety of techniques that assist me in controlling and directing that energy. 

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5 Steps to Work Through the Feelings Stew by Helen Liu

When a prominent feeling takes over, I can feel it in my chest, coating my rib cage and descending onto my beating heart like a thick stew. It’s difficult to let it disperse on its own, much less make it disperse myself. 

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Mind-Body Connection by Kaylea Dillon

What do you think of when you think of the mind-body connection? When we talked during the Squad session last month, I spent some time thinking about this question myself.

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MANTRA by Alanis De La Cruz

Graduate school as a first-generation Latina is not an easy task. You juggle various things and amid the work/school tasks, you also must work with the emotions that come up.

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Our Inner Colonies of ANTs by Helen Liu

Recently, I learned about “automatic negative thoughts” (ANTs). You might recognize these thoughts: they are the sort that just pop into your mind and douse it in a bucket of negativity.

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