Just Checking In…With Me! by John Stuart
Do you ever feel like you are just worn down? Like you don't know how to get through the day or even the week? You just feel like there isn't enough time or energy in the day to get the things done that you want to. You feel burned out with no way out or feel like you are drowning in work or responsibility. When I feel that way, I have to check in with my body, mind, and soul to make sure I stay on track!
Body Check In:
On a daily basis I have to make sure I am getting enough sleep, eating correctly, and getting some sort of exercise. I have found that if I don't get at least seven and a half hours of sleep, I am not thinking clearly. I have figured out that I can function on six hours but seven and a half is my sweet spot. I have also learned that when I fill my body with fast food (even though I love Wendy's) I start to feel sluggish and I just don't have the energy that I need to have to survive the week. I have learned that even if I just go on a little short twenty-minute walk in the evenings it makes a big difference in how I feel the next day, for the better. I check in with my body so that I have the energy to get through the week.
Mind Check In:
Recently I have had a hard time getting to sleep because the moment I lay my head down on my pillow my mind is flooded with the thoughts that I didn't fully process throughout the day. Then I am laying there at four-thirty in the morning wide awake because I can't stop thinking about all the things that I should do. I have learned that I have to take time throughout the day to figure these things out otherwise I will be wide awake in the middle of the night. Sometimes I just have to write a thought down on my phone so that I can come back to it when the time comes. Other times I am driving so that gives me plenty of time to work through some thoughts. Most of the time though if I think of something, if I am in a place where I can act on it right then, I will, before I forget.
Soul Check In:
Do you ever feel like you do everything in your power to get things done and it just doesn't cut it? I feel that sometimes, whether it's getting stuff accomplished in a day or kicking a bad habit like going to Wendy's too many times in one week. Do you feel like there is something missing? When I start to feel that way I check in with my soul. I get involved with my church community and fellowship with people who believe the same kind of things I do. I pray and ask for guidance and wisdom on how to handle my current situation. I go to church and connect my soul to who I believe it should be connected to. And then I feel like that thing that was missing earlier in the week, is found.
Overall Check In:
To bring all of this together, once I check in with all those parts of my life, my body, my mind, and my heart and soul then I feel like I have the strength to take on the day, the week, the month. I encourage you to check in with those areas in your life, make sure you are getting the sleep that you deserve, eat food that is good for you, process your thoughts, and get in touch with your soul no matter who you believe in.
What works for you? I have learned lots of different ways to check in with myself in the Hey I'm Here Squad, and I hope that this gives you a different perspective on how to check in with You! Because you matter and are worth taking care of yourself. Maybe what you have been trying still isn't cutting it. Maybe try these things and see if they change anything. Go to the store, buy some food and make a home-cooked meal. We all get busy and going through Wendy's is just convenient, I am guilty of that plenty of times. But take the time to slow down and take care of You! Take a day off of responsibilities, sleep in, and watch how a good night's sleep can change your day. Go for a walk, even if it is just a short walk around the block, do that for a few days and see if you notice a difference. And lastly, get connected with like-minded people and fellowship with them, share ideas and thoughts, and have a good time. Just don't forget to check in with...YOU!
Additional tools for when you may be in crisis:
U.S. Crisis Text Line: 741-741
Ohio Mobile Response and Stabilization Services: 1-888-418-MRSS (6777)