Being Sensitive To Others Energy by Raelin Bell
When it comes to being sensitive to others energy, it’s easy to feel ourselves acting in ways and responding in ways that we typically would not.
Is the person around us radiating positive energy? If we are surrounding ourselves with positive people, we tend to be happy and positive ourselves.
Are we surrounding ourselves with negative people? Being around a negative person can radiate negativity that we will carry with us from day to day.
Being sensitive to others' energy means that we pick up and carry the energy and feelings of those around us. Sometimes we need to reflect on our surroundings to figure out and see why we have been feeling a certain way. We can protect our energy by surrounding ourselves with positivity and that includes the people who we allow to be in our circle.
It’s important to protect our energy at all costs. The energy we give off helps determine the type of person we are being. For me, protecting my energy means keeping a positive mindset as well as a positive life around me. This looks like setting boundaries, staying positive, knowing my triggers, taking breaks from things that drain my energy, spending time with the people I love and finding the good in negative situations. Protecting my energy allows me to keep my happiness high and when I am happy it is easier to navigate my way through the days peacefully.
As someone who tends to be sensitive to other’s energy, I have found that the best ways to navigate through feelings that aren’t my own is by being mindful of both myself and the other individuals involved. Sometimes it is best to remember and to reflect back on a conversation at a later time once it has finished. Some questions I ask myself are “why did they react this way?” “is there anything I could have done differently?” “were they having an off day?”. Sometimes the way a person reacts has nothing to do with us, but in the heat of the moment we don’t always realize that. It’s easy to blame yourself and to take things personally when we aren’t visualizing the entire picture.
Being sensitive to other’s energy is part of human nature. A lot of times we don’t even realize the ways that the people around us impact our lives. This is why it’s important to surround ourselves with people who love and want what is best for us. My dad use to always tell me “you are who you’re friends with” meaning that you are who you surround yourself with and when it comes to being sensitive to others energy, this quote holds up to being true.
I am someone who feels my emotions deeply as well as the emotions of those around me. If my friend is crying, there’s a good chance that I will be crying too. This is an example of how I am sensitive to others' energy. I’m not crying because of the same situation as my friend, but I’m simply crying because I see her upset and that shows how I would identify with a feeling that isn’t necessarily my own. This can go for so many feelings as well, not only the feelings of sadness. This goes for feelings of happiness, anger, stress and many more feelings as well. It is very easy to pick up and feel the same energy that the person you are with is giving off.
I am very blessed with the people I have in my life. As someone who is sensitive to others' energy, I quickly learned the types of people that I needed to be around and who I needed to distance myself from. I like being around people who are kind, happy, giving and who radiate positive energy onto me. Surrounding myself with these types of people keeps me happy and spreading my positive energy onto others, It costs nothing to be a good person.
When an interaction with others makes you feel sad, angry, depressed or other negative emotions time and time again then it might be time to walk away to protect your energy. Being sensitive to the energy radiated around you is human nature, we all do it. We naturally feed into whatever energy is around us. I have found that because I am sensitive to others energies it’s important for me to protect both the energy I give and receive. Set boundaries for yourself, do things that make you happy, protect your peace and you will radiate positive energy onto others.
Additional tools for when you may be in crisis:
U.S. Crisis Text Line: 741-741
Ohio Mobile Response and Stabilization Services: 1-888-418-MRSS (6777)